Thursday, March 29, 2012

Home Study Numbero Uno

We finally had our first home study interview on Monday. *crowd cheers*  Our social worker was great. It was nice to be able to finally meet with her face to face. We've had a lot of email correspondence, but that's about it! She toured our home - the boys were incredibly excited to show her their "super clean rooms" and show her where Effie was going to be staying. As soon as she walked in the door the boys were hugging her. Lol. Like I said, they know no strangers. And thankfully - she did not inspect our closets. Haha! For those of you who didn't hear, I was trying to frantically catch up on laundry and make the laundry room presentable. In my rush, I did not get a chance to put my clean clothes away…. soooooo they were sitting in a basket(s) in my closet. haha. God does answer prayers!  ;) 

After looking at our house inside and out, we sat at the kitchen table to go over some basic questions about our family, lifestyle, parenting techniques, etc. Nothing too in-depth. That will come next week.  J  Next Thursday afternoon we'll have our longer individual interviews. This is the one about our childhoods. We'll be together for a short time, then she'll talk to us individually. I'm not worried about it - all of my issues have finally been resolved. Lol. I'm excited about getting these done and over with. Next comes the SUPER fun stuff! Lots and lots of detailed paperwork! Haha. Am I crazy? Because I'm actually really excited about signing, triple signing, initialing, notarizing, state sealing, fingerprinting and all that jazz. I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune in the middle of it all.

Well, that's about all that's been happening regarding the adoption. We took a much needed break last Saturday and took the boys to Branson/Silver Dollar City. HUGE mistake. We forgot that it was Spring Break. They. Were. PACKED. We did get to see our friends Joy and Lenny for a bit! So, that was pretty cool. We were exhausted and just decided to stay the night in Branson. The boys had a lot of fun. We bought some swimming clothes and hung out at the hotel pool most of the afternoon and evening.

Mine and KC's 6th anniversary falls on Easter this year - kinda cool and kinda not. Lol. But we at least get next Friday for just the two of us. So I'm grateful for that. I feel like we're running out of our babysitting tokens.

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