So, we finally have some news to report! I spoke with our social worker, Sarah, last week. It looks like we are going to be able to start the process VERY soon! Hopefully in the next few weeks! You have no idea how excited KC and I are. We also found out that even with all the delays that have been going on in Ethiopia, it's not nearly as long as what we had originally thought. We're praying that by the time we are ready to travel to pick up Santi, there won't be any delays at all; but, that's all in Gods hands. We have enough money saved up for the first 3 steps: the Formal Application, the Home study, and the USICS paperwork. All 3 steps will take between 2-3 months. Then, we can wait up to 6 months before preparing the 4th step which is the Dossier - the big file we send to Ethiopia so the can review and determine if we're suitable guardians/parents. That period of up to 6 months between those 2 sets of steps will give us time to save up more money. God has blessed KC and I tremendously by allowing us to stash away KC's income for the adoption. He has an amazing job working from home - and while it's not his dream job and it's something he's not used to, he's doing incredible! We're putting the entire financial aspect (well, along with everything else) in God's hands. It will all fall into place like it's supposed to. I'd hate to try to get "a step ahead of God' and screw everything up. I've been known to do that. Lol. Get impatient and think that I'll give God a hand. I've learned to be patient and trust in Him. He's never let us down and has gotten KC and I out of more difficult situations than I care to count. All I need to know is that He's got this. ;)
So, how else are we trying to raise the funds? Why, thank you for asking! (hehe) I'm working on 2 fundraisers right now. The first is with Scentsy. I know many of you know what that is, but I'm adding my link so that you can check it out. If you would like to have a party just let me know. Or, if you already know what you like, you can order it directly from my website. We will receive 20% of every order and it all goes to the fund to bring Santi home.
I'm also working on a fundraiser through One Mango Tree. I will be having a party for this one, I'm just not sure when or where. But you will be the first to know. They are an amazing organization out of Uganda. If you want to know more, you'll have to come to the party. ;)
I also just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers for our family as we go through this process. It's long and drawn out, and we are doing our best to be patient and positive. Even though every fiber in my body aches to hold her in my arms; to see her playing with her brothers; to protect her in every way I can. I know God already has her chosen for us. I just can't wait to see her.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Rummage Sale Results
So, I have to preface this entry by asking God's forgiveness for my lack of faith. I truly only expected to make a couple hundred dollars at our Rummage Sale. Which, I was still totally psyched about! But I put God in a box and we all know how He dislikes that. So, I believe He used this opportunity to teach both KC and I (and a lot of other people) a lesson. Our grand total yesterday came out to $3, 063.45. Yes, that's right - we made over 3,000 dollars!!! I am still in awe and my mind can't quite fathom how we came to those results. KC came up to me about 2 hours in and said "Sandra, I was just given a check for $1,000." A woman bought a cow shaped teapot, similar to this one below for $2, then gave us that check. She said she felt like God told her to give it to us! I'm telling you, I could not believe what just happened. My eyes filled with tears and I could just feel God's spirit all over me. It's like He was saying, 'See? I've got this. Because you're following MY will, I'm going to take care of it.'.

We had so many people come and buy something and then tell us to keep the change. We also had one woman buy $18 bucks worth of stuff, and she wrote us a check for $70! If anyone had any doubts before now that KC and I weren't doing the right thing, I'm sure they're thoughts are changing now! Lol. We are just $3,000 away from really diving into this whole process. We prayed about it and felt like we needed a certain amount before we started - so that we didn't run out of funds at a critical point in the process. It'd suck really bad if we got a referral for a little girl, and couldn't go through with the process to make her a part of our family because we couldn't raise the necessary funds before taking the next step. So, we are just a short amount away from hitting that number, which I'll tell you - I thought it would be a LONG time before we hit it. But with what we have saved up, plus what we received yesterday, we're SO close!!
I love when God teaches you a lesson. It always reassures me that He loves me and cares for me. (Kinda like when you get in trouble by your parents for something.) God loves the idea of adoption even more than we realize. We were all, in a sense, adopted by Christ. We've been grafted into His family by believing and having a deep relationship with Him. What makes us think He'd feel any different about the children in the world? He cares about them all - no matter if they're in America or Russia, China or Timbuktu. He doesn't care if you adopt domestically or internationally. He just wants us to love and stand up for those who can't do it themselves. We've had a lot of people tell us that we are "such great people for adopting a little orphan girl from Africa", and I can't help but shake my head. We have already been blessed by this little girl, and we don't even know who she is yet. God has changed our idea of the world, of family - all because He's taken us out of our "comfort zone". Yes, I'm admitting it, I was a little terrified at first. I'm the kind of person that doesn't really like attention; and now here we are adopting a little girl who's skin tone is darker than mine. What will people do when we are in a restaurant or grocery store? They'll almost instantaneously know that we adopted - will that bring up a slew of questions? of uneducated remarks? But throughout this entire journey, God has been changing mine and KC's outlook on practically everything. I notice things that I never noticed before - like in 2 aisles of dolls in Target, only 2 had darker skin. Almost all were fair skinned with blond hair and blue eyes. That rules out the possibility of African, Latin and Asian little girls from finding dolls that look like themselves. (or even Caucasian girls with dark hair, like myself). It brought the verse to my mind that God looks not at the outward appearance but at the heart of man. If only we could do that. We may not have the "traditional" family, but I pray we have more love than most. I want her to know that she is so loved, that we literally searched the world for her. And I praise God that He has begun to change our outlook. I know how hard it was for my siblings and I when we were younger. We were called names and mistreated because we weren't Mexican and we weren't American. We were "half-bakes". I know there are a lot of things that we as a family will encounter that we never would have, had we been asked to take the "traditional route". Racism is something that we will come across and will have to handle. And I pray every day that we are able to teach the boys and her how to stand and how to handle it when it comes up. Because unfortunately, it will. We live in a broken world. One full of sin and wickedness. As much as the world is "decent", there are still those dark spots. I pray that we will be able to handle any situation with tact and with grace. That God gives us the words to say....
Sorry, I know that this was a big turn from talking about the results of our sale, but sometimes, I get to thinking and typing and everything just spills out! Lol. I'm just writing what's on my mind - and if any of you know me, my mind isn't something that stays constant. It tends to jump around at the drop of a hat. Hahaha. Anyway, so many thank yous to everyone who has helped make this all possible. You are all amazing. I pray that God blesses you as He has blessed us. Love you guys!
We had so many people come and buy something and then tell us to keep the change. We also had one woman buy $18 bucks worth of stuff, and she wrote us a check for $70! If anyone had any doubts before now that KC and I weren't doing the right thing, I'm sure they're thoughts are changing now! Lol. We are just $3,000 away from really diving into this whole process. We prayed about it and felt like we needed a certain amount before we started - so that we didn't run out of funds at a critical point in the process. It'd suck really bad if we got a referral for a little girl, and couldn't go through with the process to make her a part of our family because we couldn't raise the necessary funds before taking the next step. So, we are just a short amount away from hitting that number, which I'll tell you - I thought it would be a LONG time before we hit it. But with what we have saved up, plus what we received yesterday, we're SO close!!
I love when God teaches you a lesson. It always reassures me that He loves me and cares for me. (Kinda like when you get in trouble by your parents for something.) God loves the idea of adoption even more than we realize. We were all, in a sense, adopted by Christ. We've been grafted into His family by believing and having a deep relationship with Him. What makes us think He'd feel any different about the children in the world? He cares about them all - no matter if they're in America or Russia, China or Timbuktu. He doesn't care if you adopt domestically or internationally. He just wants us to love and stand up for those who can't do it themselves. We've had a lot of people tell us that we are "such great people for adopting a little orphan girl from Africa", and I can't help but shake my head. We have already been blessed by this little girl, and we don't even know who she is yet. God has changed our idea of the world, of family - all because He's taken us out of our "comfort zone". Yes, I'm admitting it, I was a little terrified at first. I'm the kind of person that doesn't really like attention; and now here we are adopting a little girl who's skin tone is darker than mine. What will people do when we are in a restaurant or grocery store? They'll almost instantaneously know that we adopted - will that bring up a slew of questions? of uneducated remarks? But throughout this entire journey, God has been changing mine and KC's outlook on practically everything. I notice things that I never noticed before - like in 2 aisles of dolls in Target, only 2 had darker skin. Almost all were fair skinned with blond hair and blue eyes. That rules out the possibility of African, Latin and Asian little girls from finding dolls that look like themselves. (or even Caucasian girls with dark hair, like myself). It brought the verse to my mind that God looks not at the outward appearance but at the heart of man. If only we could do that. We may not have the "traditional" family, but I pray we have more love than most. I want her to know that she is so loved, that we literally searched the world for her. And I praise God that He has begun to change our outlook. I know how hard it was for my siblings and I when we were younger. We were called names and mistreated because we weren't Mexican and we weren't American. We were "half-bakes". I know there are a lot of things that we as a family will encounter that we never would have, had we been asked to take the "traditional route". Racism is something that we will come across and will have to handle. And I pray every day that we are able to teach the boys and her how to stand and how to handle it when it comes up. Because unfortunately, it will. We live in a broken world. One full of sin and wickedness. As much as the world is "decent", there are still those dark spots. I pray that we will be able to handle any situation with tact and with grace. That God gives us the words to say....
Sorry, I know that this was a big turn from talking about the results of our sale, but sometimes, I get to thinking and typing and everything just spills out! Lol. I'm just writing what's on my mind - and if any of you know me, my mind isn't something that stays constant. It tends to jump around at the drop of a hat. Hahaha. Anyway, so many thank yous to everyone who has helped make this all possible. You are all amazing. I pray that God blesses you as He has blessed us. Love you guys!
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