
Thursday, August 15, 2013

And now, we wait...

If you've seen my Facebook, you know what's been going on the last couple of weeks. But, if you haven't, here we go:

A few weeks ago, we finally completed our Dossier and got to send it to Little Rock (our capital) to be State Sealed. We got it back and mailed it off to our International Coordinator in Michigan to be reviewed. Well, it turns out that our worker in Little Rock got our Dossier authenticated not state sealed. Boo. I mean, really BOOOOOO! So off to Little Rock from Michigan it went - round two.

So about a week later, it was back in Michigan, state sealed and all ready to go to Washington D.C. to be authenticated at the US Embassy. It was mailed to D.C. on August 1st.

During this time, we found out that our wait time starts immediately after our Dossier gets to Ethiopia. We were stoked to hear this! We thought it would be another 3-6 weeks! So this was definitely uplifting news.

Fast forward to today. We got an email from our International Coordinator that our Dossier was back from D.C. and would be sent via their weekly DHL mailing to Ethiopia TOMORROW!! If it would've come back on Friday afternoon or Monday, we would have had to wait until the following Friday for it to be mailed to Ethiopia. So thank you Lord for giving us this perfect timing.

So now, we wait. Now, we are just waiting to be matched with our little girl. It could be 3 months, it could be 18, it could be 24. We know it'll happen when it happens. And we are A-OK with this. It's giving us more time to spend being a family of four and getting her room ready and preparing work for my loooong leave to be home with her.

To put it simply, we cannot wait to meet her. But it's been 3 years already, I'm sure a few more months won't kill us.   :))